

10 Hours a Night Sleep and Still Tired?

Let’s fix that!


Join me for this free 3 day challenge to:

Identify what’s causing your fatigue
Explore your symptoms
Learn how to reduce fatigue naturally
Learn ways to improve your mood

3 short daily video lessons
Handy downloadable workbook
Access to me inside a Facebook Group to ask questions

- Next LIVE Challenge Starts October 2021 -

This challenge is for you if:

  • You are addicted to coffee, sugar and carbs

  • You are exhausted all day and feel wired at night

  • You struggle to lose weight

  • Your hormones are all over the place (PMS, irregular cycle, menopausal)

  • You are moody, irritable and feel anxious

  • You can’t remember a thing and struggle to concentrate

This challenge is not for you if:

  • You bounce out of bed and have loads of energy

  • You have an amazing sleep every night

  • Your hormones are like clockwork

  • You have no digestive complaints

  • Your skin is clear

  • You can easily lose weight



Challenge Host: Pam Hird

Pam is a Brisbane-based Naturopath who helps men and women prioritise their health and wellbeing. As a naturopath, nutritionist and personal trainer she helps them take control of their mental health and various health conditions through natural medicine and healthy lifestyle changes. She gives realistic ways to help create a happier and healthier life. When she isn’t running her business, you can find her on the hockey field or creating some delicious food for her kids. Pam has


Join the FREE 3 Day Challenge now!


Copyright Pam Hird 2020 | Naturopath | Brighton, Brisbane North, Australia