Save Your Money And Avoid Fad Detox Diets: Here’s 6 Ways To Detox Your Body Naturally

The inspiration behind this post on ways to detox your body naturally stems from all those New Year resolutions I hear so much about. You can save your money and avoid the bandwagon of detox diets for good, when you know and choose sustainable ways to detox your body naturally.

Did you know that your body is constantly detoxifying and that the fad diets could do more harm than good?

You don’t need to go on some crazy restrictive diet which makes you feel overwhelmed because you have no idea of what to eat. And, you may be interested to hear that naturally detoxing your body isn’t all about food either.

Here are my all time favourite ways to naturally detox your body - on a daily basis - for longer benefits and overall wellbeing:

#1: Eat more raw vegetables

Cooking foods can reduce the natural benefits they can provide to our body.

Increase your intake of raw food will allow you to absorb more nutrients (some nutrients are heat sensitive) to give us energy, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. 

#2: Drink plenty of water

This will come as no surprise to anyone!

However, making sure you are drinking enough water is a must. Aim for a minimum of 2 L daily.

I appreciate that drinking plain water can be boring! You can add to your water intake each day by including some herbal tea or a glass of lemon and water first thing in the morning. Ensuring that you start your day with a glass of lemon and water will help to kick start your digestion, balance pH, and support your immune system. 

All very good reasons to add this as a new daily habit or ritual.

#3: Reduce trigger foods 

Aim to reduce alcohol, caffeine, sugar, gluten, dairy, processed, and fast foods as they can wreak havoc on your system.

This may seem like a drastic approach and like you’re eliminating all the fun from your life but it’s worth it for the benefits you will reap. Ideally cut these out all together, however if you aren’t ready for that then simply reduce your portions or the number of times you consume these foods each day/week.

#4: Do daily body brushing

Daily body brushing helps to increase circulation and promote lymphatic detoxification. The lymphatic system helps the body get rid of toxins, waste and unwanted materials.

Brush the skin with firm circular strokes with loofah or body brush before you shower. Start at the feet and hands, moving up the legs and arms, avoiding your throat and face. 

#5: Move your body

Exercise helps stimulate detoxification by boosting circulation, improving digestion, and removing toxins from the body through various channels.

Any change to your exercise routine can bring challenges, so be mindful of the intensity and duration of your work out. It’s important to know your limits. 

#6: Detox your mind

Detoxing naturally isn’t all about food choices and exercise.

How much time do you spend scrolling through social media? Do you make excuses for not exercising?

Pick an area in your life you could improve and implement the change to help detox your mind. This could be committing to exercise 3 times per week or banning yourself from looking at your phone from 8 pm every night.

Detoxing your body naturally shouldn’t be difficult or boring

Eating should be enjoyable and it is an opportunity to nourish your body. You don’t need to do any crazy diet or exercise plan to help your body detox naturally.

Making small changes on a daily basis can have a massive impact on your overall health. 

If you're having trouble with your nutrition and would like more guidance and support to help you feel better, BOOK YOUR FREE 10 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL HERE to chat about how I can help you.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that if you are making changes to your diet and lifestyle you may experience some detox symptoms like headaches, fatigue, skin irritation, digestive complaints, mood swings, and cravings. If this occurs please consult your health care practitioner.  


Pam helps women and men prioritise their health and wellbeing.

As a Naturopath, nutritionist and personal trainer she helps them take control of their mental health and various health conditions through natural medicine and healthy lifestyle changes.

She gives realistic ways to help create a happier and healthier life. 

When she isn’t running her business, you can find her on the hockey field or creating some delicious food for her husband and kids.