Name of course

Boost your energy (with aside of wine) in 5 *realistic* weeks of tweaks

Easy, effective actions without hours of exercise, meal-prepping or giving up all the things you love

Recharge your energy in just 2 x 15-min live episodes + 1 action a week! Ft. your own personalised tonic

The shortcut course combining easy science-backed actions, personalised tonics and accountability to help you finally regain energy, motivation and happiness

We start on ***DATE!


Energy | Mood | Motivation

“If only I wasn’t so exhausted”

Here’s your *realistic* 5-week course that takes you from feeling foggy and fatigued to fresh andfocused in just 2 easy 15-min live episodes + 1 action a week

for more long-term energy, motivationand happiness without exotic recipes, boot camp exercises or God forbid – lemon water



You’re ambitious AF, buuuut you’re so damn tired it’s near-impossible

to function #feelyou



Even when you sleep a full 8+ hours, you may as well have been out sculling wine all night, because you feel like you’ve hardly rested & your fuse is *this* long

So you guzzle coffee, skip clicking ‘attend’ on Facebook events, nap all weekend, can’t be bothered doing the stuff you used to love and crash at 2pm – almost on command #wheresmymarsbar

Every morning, your eyes twinkle open...

Sure, you’re awake – 

but there’s NO WAY you feel 

fully recharged 

^^ You fizzlin’ faster than a shooting star

You’re going through the motions of life…

But you don’t feel like you’re *all there*, all the time.

So, you struggle to get important things done.

And if you’re like most ambitious peeps with low energy, it looks like this:

You try a bunch of different ways to get zzzs with ease (think sleep meditation, teas and limited screen time) and boost your energy through the day (coffee, power walks or power naps)... but despite your efforts, nothing works. You still crave sleep, but honestly question whether more of it would *actually* give you more energy. Because even after 8+ hours:

→ Your energy’s up & down through the day… 🥱

→ Then weirdly high at night… 🥴


The worst part is: no matter what you do, you can never predict when an energy dip will hit, so…

You’ve switched big goals for being besties with the coffee machine

Socialising for social scrolling (hours on end)

New weekend adventures with Netflix forever

(yessssss, I’m still watching 🙄)

And you basically can’t survive without your 2pm 

Kit Kat to get you through the arvo #gimmesugar

So much work, vacuuming, school lunches, meetings – so little time and energy 

(you get teary just thinking about it)

Life’s BUSY (single mum of 2 here, I get it!). You don’t have time to drink 10L of lemon water 🙄, follow some strict detox, spend all day shopping at exotic health food shops or drop everything for some exercise endorphin hit #tiredalready 

You can handle a lot. You were born to handle a lot. But you’ve gone from being able to do it all to barely keeping your head above water.