My IVF Journey


Everyone around me was falling pregnant.

It felt like some of my family and friends only had to look at each other and BOOM! They were pregnant.

We had been trying for 18 months and suffered two miscarriages. It wasn’t as easy for us. So we started off on our IVF journey.

Our IVF journey started with a trip to the doctor

We finally decided to go to the doctor to find out what was going on.

After speaking to her we decided it was best that we went and saw a specialist. After a few months wait, the day had finally arrived!

We had a few blood tests to see what was going on and a scan. I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This explained the irregular period, acne, excessive hair growth and difficulty in falling pregnant.

Then it was off to the next test, hysterosalpingogram.

I was a little nervous because my specialist had told me to drink whiskey beforehand to help relax me, as it wasn’t a comfortable procedure. They insert dye into you through your vagina, it is a little painful (not as painful as labour!).

Specifically for me, it was to see if I had blocked fallopian tubes. Got the results, no blockages, that’s a positive!

Back to the specialist to discuss our options.

We decided to do an IUI (Intrauterine insemination) first, which was unsuccessful.

An IUI is when they place washed, prepared sperm into your uterus that is near to your egg, at the time of ovulation. 

Although the procedure wasn’t successful, I wasn’t overly worried because the percentage for this working isn’t very high.

The next step, IVF

IVF is exhausting in all the ways you would expect it to be: emotionally, physically, and financially.

There were internal scans, constant blood tests, injections, tablets and pessaries. I was bruised, bloated, moody, irritable, stressed and tired. 

I was still working and trying to juggle life. It was exhausting.

Surprisingly, during my IVF journey, I felt quite isolated

During the time that I started the IVF process, I only told a few people.

To be honest, I was embarrassed…

I’m a Naturopath, I should be able to help myself fall pregnant. I could help other people do it, so why couldn’t I help myself!?

One of my friends actually turned to me and said, “Oh well, you gotta do, what you gotta do.” In my head, I thought wow, you obviously have no idea what it’s like to have to go through an IVF journey!

After this, I stopped talking about it with all my friends, because it was too difficult to open up. I only really spoke to three people - my husband, my sister, and one of my friends who was going through her own IVF journey at the time as well.

Enter egg collection day

Before you know it, its egg collection day.

Thank god they put me under for this!

The one thing I really disliked was that my specialist made me sing a song before taking the eggs out, it was ridiculous! It was his tradition so you just had to roll with it.

When I woke up from egg collection, I would always look to see what number was written on my arm. This was our specialist’s way of telling us how many eggs they collected.

I was sore after egg collection, which is not surprising because they do stick a needle into your ovaries, multiple times.

Preparing for embryo transfer day

I continued to take medication, injecting into my stomach, and using pessaries in preparation for the embryo transfer day. 'Drink more whiskey before coming in for your embryo transfer’ I was told, it will help you relax. They also gave me some Valium to help with that too!

The days go past and you are wondering if you are pregnant

Finally the morning of the blood test, the minutes go so slowly. You phone multiple times, only to be told, ‘I’m sorry the results are not back yet.’

Only to phone half an hour later and be told the same thing.

Then when they finally say, ‘yes let me get them,’ your heart starts racing, you hold your breath and then you hear, ‘I’m sorry you’re not pregnant.’

The tears flow and the blame starts

What is wrong with me? Every time I heard those words my heart broke.

The next day I would phone the clinic and make an appointment for the next month to start the process again. If the finances allowed, we just kept going.

I never got to ring and find out over the phone if I was pregnant

The two times I have fallen pregnant from IVF was off fresh cycles, frozen never worked for us. Both of those successful cycles I got Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, I looked 6 months pregnant from all the fluid that had built up in my stomach.

I was vomiting, nauseous and ended back in hospital I was so sick.

As my specialist would say, ‘there is a pretty good chance you are pregnant!’ He was right both times!

The decision to do IVF was not made lightly and there is no guarantee it will work

If I could change one thing about my IVF journey it would be to talk to more people about it.

It is an emotional rollercoaster and having that support would have made the world of difference to me. I would have spoken to the nurses and counsellors that were made available to me as well.

For some reason, I didn’t feel like I needed to, but looking back now, I did.  There were days that I cried alone because I thought the whole world was against me and it was just never going to happen for us. It did eventually happen for us and I am forever grateful I have two beautiful kids. 

When you are doing IVF, it can feel very lonely at times.

No matter how exhausted you are some days, know that you are not alone.

If you are starting your own IVF journey soon, reach out

There is no doubt that I could not have been able to undergo the intensity of IVF if I didn’t already get my body and mind into a thriving state first through naturopathy.

If you are starting your own IVF journey soon and wish to find out how naturopathy can help you feel better prepared, please BOOK YOUR FREE 10 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL HERE to chat about how I can help you.

Pam Hird