Does One Size Fit All: A Look at Personalised Nutrition

Taking a dive into personalised nutrition allows us to answer the question: Does one size fit all?

The short answer is: No!

We are all biochemically unique and all have different energy requirements, health needs and social situations. And it’s because of these factors that one size cannot possibly fit all.

Just because one person thrives on a Paleo diet, doesn’t mean another person will.

A Case for Personalised Nutrition

Personalising your nutrition uses certain information to derive specific advice and support relevant to you the individual. 

For example, people with diabetes can benefit from reducing carbohydrates in their diet.

People with allergies to certain foods, need to remove them from their diet and use alternatives.

And those who suffer from reflux may benefit from eliminating common dietary irritants such as:

  • Fried, fatty, and spicy foods

  • Caffeinated drinks

  • Acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes.

How a Naturopath Helps With personalised Nutrition

It's quite common for me to see people in the clinic who don’t even realise that food is causing them problems.

They think the symptoms they have are normal because they have been living with them for some time.

Symptoms can include:

  • Digestive and respiratory complaints

  • Skin irritation

  • Mood disorders

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Joint and muscle aches and pains

We also need to remember that taste is subjective and you may not like or tolerate the same foods as others, so taking a one size fits all approach isn’t appropriate. 

A Balanced Diet isn’t Only About What you Eat

Even if you are following a ‘balanced diet’ it doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals that your body requires.

This is particularly so if your gut isn’t functioning optimally from a diet high in processed foods, sugar, alcohol, low in fibre and water.

There are also other factors such as stress, environmental toxins and recurrent infections which can throw out the balance of your gut. 

Develop Healthier Eating Habits With Your Own Food Plan

A 2016 study found that people receiving personalised nutrition advice develop healthier eating habits and are more likely to sustain them long term. 

When it comes to diet, the latest fads or trends constantly change. Besides, it has been well documented that fad diets don’t work.

By looking at the person as a whole and taking into consideration their energy requirements and health needs we can find a diet that is tailored for you. 

Work with a Naturopath to Find What Works For You

If you're having trouble with your nutrition and would like more guidance and support to help you get a feel balanced and better, feel free to BOOK YOUR FREE 10 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL HERE to chat about how I can help you.

Pam Hird Brisbane Naturopath

Pam helps women and men prioritise their health and wellbeing. As a Naturopath, nutritionist and personal trainer she helps them take control of their mental health and various health conditions through natural medicine and healthy lifestyle changes. She gives realistic ways to help create a happier and healthier life. 

When she isn’t running her business, you can find her on the hockey field or creating some delicious food for her husband and kids.